EngineeringAuditoria EnergèticaEstalvi Energètic

GMG performs the Energy Audit at Indústria Mecánica Egarense, SA

GMG 22/09/11

During the months of June, July and August 2011, GMG Engineering and Environment carried out the comprehensive energy audit of the headquarters of Mecánica Egarense, SA. The study, carried out as part of the Aid plan in the area of energy savings and efficiency promoted by the Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN), has been developed as part of a program planned for 2012 of 14 energy audits to different entities.

In 2010, during the period of the call for energy efficiency grants promoted by the ICAEN, GMG Engineering and Environment, requested and obtained on behalf of Mecánica Egarense, SA, the subsidy to carry out a energy audit of the facilities that this entity manages in Terrassa.

The resulting energy savings have been quantified based on the analysis of electrical, mechanical and special installations, thermally evaluating the buildings’ surroundings and studying the particularities of energy consumption, production cycles, peak demand times and contracted supplies.

Energy savings of more than 30,000 kWh / year, an average economic return (Payback) of less than 5 years and the possible reduction of CO2 and NOx emissions of 5%, support the technical and economic viability of the vast majority of solutions proposed by GMG in collaboration with the technical department of Mecánica Egarense.

La programació i implementació de les futures actuacions també serà objecte d’estudi conjunt durant l’any 2012, si bé fins aleshores, es continuarà treballant per tal d’obtenir majors estalvis energètics mitjançant solucions passives que ajudin a disminuir els costos de producció i augmentin la sostenibilitat i la protecció del medi ambient.